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PAREA, the association of LGBTQ+ professionals in Suriname was founded on August 12, 2014. 

PAREA wants to be of significance to society. Our members organize projects and activities that benefit society as a whole. We work outwards to positively contribute to the image of the Surinamese LGBTQ+ community. 

PAREA is not only an association but also a foundation. The PAREA Foundation carries out various projects and programs and the PAREA association regularly organizes meetings for its members and supports the foundation where necessary.
Some organizations we work with are the EU, COC, ILHIA, various Embassies, the LGBT Platform, the Projekta foundation, Women Rights Center,  Alembo.


Our ongoing projects (2023) are:  


  • The Declaration of Paramaribo (VVP), Employers who sign the Declaration of Paramaribo support more inclusivity in the workplace.


  • Stand With Us (SWU), a three-year project that is a collaboration between PAREA and Projekta and funded by the EU. SWU's general goal is to create broad support for LGBTQ rights in Suriname.


  • A chance to become successful in society, an 8-month project focusing on LGBTQ+ young people between the ages of 18 and 25, who have left school or are looking for work. This project is funded by the Canada Fund For Local Initiatives (CFLI)


Meanwhile, there is a sister organization in the Netherlands. PAREA-NL is an autonomous organization and is only active in the Netherlands.

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